
Anna, you come and ask me, girl, you say he loves you more than me, so i will set you free, go with him. Anna, girl, before you go now, i want you to know that i still love you so, but if he loves you mo`got with him. Anna, just one more thing, girl, you give back your ring to me, and i will set you free, go with him.

martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Nancy Spungen dead body

Nancy Spungen...hizo tributo a la celebre frase "vive rapido, muere joven" pero la parte en la que dice que tendra un bonito cadaver.. no quedo muy clara.
pobre Nancy...
solo ella sabe quien fue el culpoable de no haverla dejado con un bonito cadaver...

lunes, 6 de julio de 2009